# Chapter 9: Revelation
The stench of trash rotting in heat lingers on the Midtown streets.
Glassless beggars shout attention-seeking obscenities as I pass. I hear them, sympathize with them, but I...
# Chapter 10: Sacrifice
“This is the Manhattan-bound 7 train. The next stop is Junction Boulevard. Stand clear of the closing doors please.”
My glasses are on but I have no desire to escape to anoth...
# OPSEC Megathread
My complete OPSEC education in computer science, programming with Bitcoin, the importance of privacy, bitcoin and security tools and how to use them in our surveillance state.
# Chapter 8: Security
The burly stranger leads me out of the Times Square crowd. We dodge people and delivery robots as we zig south and zag west. He says nothing. I’m too embarrassed to ask questio...
# Chapter 7: Ignorance
I’m awakened by the sun’s first rays. The night’s dreams are immediately gone and forgotten. I jump to my feet. I feel no need to contemplate the day’s events from bed. I’m on...