# Science fiction story pitch
Ok, here goes.
The premise of the story is that we figure out that life on earth was seeded by a civilization of aliens. The aliens have dropped the first primordial life onto earth and then managed the evolutionary processes to suit their needs.
Humans resemble the aliens precisely because our evolutionary tree is a genetically modified and managed version of theirs. The aliens are our parent lifeform.
Moreover, humans and earth are just one such experiment that the aliens have performed. They do this all the time, inoculating millions of such earth and humanity experiments in parallel.
The aliens have many motivations to do this. The basic reason is that they like to test run the future outcomes within their civilization by using humans and earth as a model. We are a much yuckier, genetically weaker, and uglier version of them because their models are not that great.
Essentially, our whole existence, civilization, humanity, and planet are a giant A/B test to find out if the alien world is better off with or without the alien version of JFK. We are Experiment B, where JFK is assassinated. In this version of humanity, the earth goes to shit, the world is overtaken by mean cyberdictatorships.
The outcome is so ugly, the aliens have no choice but to incinerate our shitty planet and experiment. Oh well, better luck next time. :)