Transaction: JWeIr3yG8k-qkbq7l-wxAUZ_7TIVJAXwDYn1la6Bktk

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Blockchain technology — and the cryptocurrencies they enable — have the potential to reshape the world as completely as the internet did 30 years ago. Although these technologies can seem overly complex or even intimidating, you don’t need a Ph.D. to appreciate them. You can browse the web without understanding TCP/IP or packet routing. Likewise, an average user doesn’t need to know all the details of crypto to use or benefit from it.

When I first fell in love with crypto, I was still serving as a Green Beret in the U.S. Army Special Forces. I was fascinated by the idea that math and game theory could form the foundation of a new economy, and I hungered to learn more. But despite some engineering and math classes in undergrad, I didn’t have a deep technical background. I had no idea where to start. I began haphazardly studying computer science, game theory, and cryptography. But it wasn't until grad school that I put it all together; learning from some of the leading experts in these fields in a structured way. And even now, I still don’t feel like a true domain expert.

The fact is, in a space that evolves as rapidly as crypto, no one is an expert. But knowing where to start can help make the subject more approachable to anyone. So I've written a [glossary]( that covers key terms and concepts for this space. It covers basic cryptography terms as well as specific definitions relating to blockchains, smart contracts, and their applications. I hope it serves as both an introduction for newcomers and as a reference for crypto veterans. And I hope it inspires all to learn more about this exciting technology.
